Alex Gray Surf Academy





"As parents, we are always hoping our children will surround themselves with people that will bring out the best in them. We understand that our influence on them as teenagers in limited. That they listen more to what their peers think of them then they should. Mostly, we pray they find a hero that is good role model. When our son Max had the opportunity to work with Alex Gray, we thought it’d be a good experience for him, it would help him develop his competitive surfing skills. What he ended up learning was so much more than we could of hoped for. He not only received valuable coaching that he was able to immediately apply to his surfing, he gained confidence in his ability, he learned how to mentally prepare for a competition with specific drills and mental exercises. More importantly, he gained a mentor that will forever be positive influence on him. We wholeheartedly believe that Alex’s time with Max gave Max life skills he will carry with him forever. Max’s time with Alex was nothing short of amazing.” 

Dawn & Bo Kaplan - Parents of Max Kaplan


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